AVH Partners with Family PACT to Provide Sexual & Reproductive Health Services to Teenagers

What is Family PACT?
Family PACT is a family planning program that expands access to family planning & reproductive health care services. It helps women and men prevent an unwanted pregnancy and can help men and women establish the timing, number and spacing of their children.
What is Family PACT designed to primarily do?
Family PACT ensures that women and men have access to health information, counseling and family planning services to reduce the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy and to maintain optimal reproductive health. All Family PACT services are available at no-cost to you while you are enrolled.
Who is eligible?
Women and men of all ages who:
- Live in California
- Have a low-income
- Do not have insurance that can be used for family planning
- Have a medical necessity for family planning services
How do I sign up?
As a Family PACT provider, AVH can enroll you into the program if eligible. Please call AVH at 707-894-4229.
What services are provided?
Confidential family planning visits for birth control counseling and methods that also may include:
- Emergency Contraceptive Pills
- Screening, diagnosis and treatment of most sexually transmitted infections
- HIV testing and counseling
- Limited cervical cancer screening
What birth control methods does Family PACT cover?
- Intrauterine Contraceptive (IUC)
- Contraceptive Implant
- Contraceptive Shot, Ring, and Patch
- Birth Control Pills
- Diaphragm and Cap
- Condoms for men and women
- Spermicides and Sponge
- Natural Family Planning Methods
- Sterilization for women and men
Did you know?
Some birth control methods work much better than others:
- Some methods, like IUCs and Implants, work very well no matter what.
- Other methods work well only if you use them the right way every time.
Emergency contraceptive (EC) pills can help prevent unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex.
- It works best the sooner you take it (within 5 days)
- Some people call them the “morning after pill”
- EC pills are not the abortion pill.
- EC pills will not cause an abortion if you’re already pregnant